Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pop-pop Larry mowing the yard....
after hours of being outside doing work.....sitting back with Sloane relaxing for a few!
Sloane sweeping.....
Finally got my redbud tree....and another willow tree, and our 2 Japanese Maple trees, plus a few other goodies :)
Shjon weedwacking for me.....
Shjon pulling out weeds for me.....
Shjon is helping me plant......
Sha and I planting......
Sha digging a hole.....
After spending the first half of the day at Lowes and Home Depot with mom and Larry and Tim, we spent the last half of the day mowing, digging holes for the new trees, and weedwacking, and planting a few other plants and pruning the roses.......I am exhausted tonight!!!! lol

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