Saturday, August 18, 2012

Shaela and Skyler's first full day of school for the year!!! 
Shjon and Sloane's first full day of school!!!
Friday was Shjon's official first dance  :)  It was for 6th and 7th graders....they both had a lot of fun!
Our babies are so big now  :(
Shjon is officially a Gibbs Eagle now  :)  I am so happy he got to keep his number :)
Shjon and Noah sporting out their jerseys at the bus stop!
this cracked me up....Tim always keeps his sunglasses up there, well I got into the car and saw Shjon's glasses hung on the other side.......warmed the heart  :)
ok....Daisy and Lady are so silly  :P
Avatar will do anything to try and get milk....bad kitty :P

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