Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tim, John and Rob went out to the bar....had a fun night...from what they

Mom after her eye surgery....she held up really good....very proud of her!

Hahaha.... the doctor wanted to see her a day after her surgery....he put special drops in her eyes, you can't tell here...but it made her eye look neon yellow in the sun light!  lol

Pappy, John, Tim and Rob.....hanging out!!!

Boys being!!!

My best friend Misty and I  :)

Misty handling Shivers......she did very well for not liking snakes...maybe the wine

How many bottles of wine later?!  We had a blast!!!

Misty, Tim, Me, John and Rob....good friends good times....can't wait till we are all together again!!!  Love you guys!!!

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